Source code for holmium.core.enhancers

implementation of element enhancer base

from import Select

[docs]class ElementEnhancer: """ base class for implementing custom element enhancers to add functionality to located webelements based on the element type (tag name) """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods __TAG__ = "" def __init__(self, element): self.element = element super().__init__()
[docs] @classmethod def matches(cls, element): """ class method to verify that this enhancer is appropriate for the provided webelement """ return cls.__TAG__.lower() == element.tag_name.lower()
def __getattribute__(self, key): element = object.__getattribute__(self, "element") try: try: return super().__getattribute__(key) except AttributeError: return element.__getattribute__(key) except Exception: raise AttributeError( "neither %s, nor %s object has an attribute %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, element.__class__.__name__, key) )
class _SelectMixin(Select): """ cooperative super version of Select """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(self.element) Select.__init__(self, self.element) class SelectEnhancer(ElementEnhancer, _SelectMixin): """ Enhancer for the select tag """ __TAG__ = "select" REGISTERED_ENHANCERS = [SelectEnhancer]
[docs]def register_enhancer(enhancer): """ registers a :class:`ElementEnhancer` with the internal lookup """ if not issubclass(enhancer, ElementEnhancer): raise TypeError( "Only subclasses of holmium.core.ElementEnhancer can be registered" ) if not hasattr(enhancer, "__TAG__") or not enhancer.__TAG__: raise AttributeError( "ElementEnhancer implementations must declare a __TAG__" "property to match against" ) REGISTERED_ENHANCERS.insert(0, enhancer)
[docs]def reset_enhancers(): """ resets the state so that any :class:`ElementEnhancer` that was registered via a call to :func:`register_enhancer` is removed. """ global REGISTERED_ENHANCERS REGISTERED_ENHANCERS = [SelectEnhancer]
def get_enhancers(): """ returns the global registered enhancers """ return REGISTERED_ENHANCERS