Unit Test Integration

Holmium provides two utilities to ease integration with automated tests.

The TestCase base class

This base class extends unittest.TestCase and adds the following functionality:

  • automatically provision any number of selenium webdrivers (driver/drivers) to the testcase based on the environment variable HO_BROWSER. The webdrivers are generated lazily upon access of the driver or drivers attributes.
  • A remote selenium server can also be used by setting the value of HO_REMOTE to the fully qualified url to the selenium server (e.g. http://localhost:4444/wd/hub)
  • clears the browser cookies between each test case
  • quits the driver(s) at the end of the test class or at the end of the test run (depending on the configuration).
  • extra assertion methods relevant to selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (refer to TestCase)

The following environment variables are respected by TestCase when unittest.TestCase.setUpClass() is executed.

Environment Variables

variable description
HO_BROWSER one of chrome,firefox,opera,safari, ie,phantomjs,android,iphone or ipad
HO_REMOTE the full qualified url of the selenium server. If not provided the browsers will be attempted to be launched using the built in webdrivers.
HO_USERAGENT useragent to use as an override. only works with firefox & chrome
HO_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS ignore ssl errors when accessing pages served under untrusted certificates (default False).
HO_BROWSER_PER_TEST if the variable is set the browser is created/destroyed for each test class (default False).

Example test case

import unittest
import holmium.core

class SimpleTest(holmium.core.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

    def test_title(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.driver.title, "Google")

if __name__ == "__main__":


# against the builtin firefox driver
HO_BROWSER=firefox python test_simple.py
# against a firefox instance under a remote selenium server
HO_BROWSER=firefox HO_REMOTE=http://localhost:5555/wd/hub python test_simple.py